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Progressive Optometry has actually been a part of Browz Eyeware for a number of years. Nothing is changing aside from our sign! Hope to see you soon!



GantGant Eyewear maintains the high-quality casual style of the iconic namesake lifestyle brand. The Gant brand is a symbol of historical American sportswear heritage which revolutionized the fashion industry through detailed craftsmanship, effortless style and innovative design. Known for developing cutting-edge trends that represent individuality, the Gant name stays ahead of the competition by setting itself apart through authenticity and quality.

Gant Eyewear offers a modern, classy look; classic American style with a European touch. Since 1949, The Gant brothers operated under the motto that with Gant – only the best is acceptable. True to their heritage, Gant eyewear offers high quality, vibrant color and influential style with a contemporary take on material and design.

Influenced by the classic lifestyle inspirations of Gant fashion such as the Ivy league and oceanview living, Gant eyewear offers effortless fashion, perfect for the chic and edgy, yet sophisticated wearer. Gant is perfect for every occasion.

Visit the Gant Eyewear Website by Marcolin

We are excited to announce that our McLeod Trail office has officially merged with our 130th ave location to provide our patients with extended hours, updated technology, and optimal care. Come visit us at our new home!

McLeod Trail & South Trail Crossing Merger

We are excited to announce that our McLeod Trail office has officially merged with our 130th ave location to provide our patients with extended hours, updated technology, and optimal care. Come visit us at our new home!