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Progressive Optometry has actually been a part of Browz Eyeware for a number of years. Nothing is changing aside from our sign! Hope to see you soon!


Insurance Coverage

Will insurance cover vision therapy sessions?

A ‘vision’ insurance policy is not the same as insurance for ‘vision therapy’. Vision insurance is a wellness benefit designed to provide routine eye care, prescription eyewear and other vision-related services at a reduced cost.

Vision conditions that require vision therapy are typically considered as “medical” diagnoses and your medical (not vision) insurance is the insurance to file. Sometimes vision therapy may be covered under extended health benefits. However, medical insurance plans and companies vary greatly in their coverage of vision therapy.
How do I know what my insurance plan covers?

Call your medical insurance company and ask these questions:
– Which of these CPT codes do you cover? (See our list of codes)
– Is vision therapy (vision training or orthoptics is what insurance companies know it as) covered?
– How many sessions of vision therapy are covered? Per year? In a lifetime?
– Is coverage of vision therapy only for specific diagnoses codes? If so, which codes?
– How long does it take to get reimbursement?

We are excited to announce that our McLeod Trail office has officially merged with our 130th ave location to provide our patients with extended hours, updated technology, and optimal care. Come visit us at our new home!

McLeod Trail & South Trail Crossing Merger

We are excited to announce that our McLeod Trail office has officially merged with our 130th ave location to provide our patients with extended hours, updated technology, and optimal care. Come visit us at our new home!